Frequently Asked Questions
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Questions about Brilliant Blue Designs
These questions and answers are provided as quick answers to some of the more commonly asked questions. If you cannot find your answer here, please contact me – I’m happy to help!
Q: Do I have to meet in person with Jamie when doing brand design, brand developing, web design or logo development?
A: No, as a matter of fact, most of what I do can be do quite effectively through phone or video calls. Please note: when you call or text me, please be sure to leave a message- you are calling a personal mobile phone and I cannot take calls when I am in the middle of meetings or in the middle of projects – or as some of my customers can attest, while I am walking my two pugs.
Q: How much will my project cost?
A; There are many variables that factor into the cost from concept through implementation. I do have some package deals to give you a better idea of costs, but even packages have some adjustments that come up due to personal variables (i.e. a 20-page website that needs the content written is a bit different than a 5-page website with existing content). To give you a good starting idea, I charge $75 for hourly work – and $1500 for a basic website. To get a tailored estimate for your needs, contact me to get a quote today.
Q: What do you require from me/my company at the start of a project?
A: This varies somewhat from project to project, but this is a fairly good starting guide:
1: Signed contract and deposit.
For web projects:
1: login info for your existing Internet products that relate to the new project such as login details for current hosting, WordPress install login if it exists, and domain name information.
2: All existing marketing assets that your company may have such as logo files, marketing copy, and any other electronic assets that may further the project goals.
3: New content that you may want to be incorporated/added to the new site.
Q: What happens if I do not update my website after it is completed?
A: If your site is built on WordPress, a lack of updates can mean a lack of protection from vulnerabilities. WordPress is unfortunately a frequent target for hackers who want to use your domain name to spam other people’s email inbox, or who, quite frankly just want to hack for hackings sake, and they will use any vulnerability to do so. Out-of-date plug-ins and themes are one of the easiest ways to do so. This is the biggest reason I offer maintenance plans. In addition, refreshed or new content reminds Google that your site has value. Google values content above everything else in its weighing algorithms that pushes sites higher in search results. New, strong content helps push your site up in those search results, helping potential customers find you easier. If you have a WordPress site that is set up for your blogging in mind, you should be able to add blog articles yourself- with the ability to add tags and keywords – keep an eye on this site for educational articles on how to optimize your articles for exactly that. SEO is often confusing, and constantly changing – but some simple things help keep your site present in those algorithms a little bit more. I am also available to add a page here and there or adjust styling if needed on hourly billing basis. I want you to continue to reach those customers!
Q: What can go wrong if I update my site myself?
A: I get it, I love DIY too. I will even publish help articles occasionally to offer tips to help out when I can. Updating plug-ins and themes and WordPress core has the potential to break your site because of code conflicts between the new code and existing code. Specifically, the PHP framework of your site may not always agree with your plug ins, or your WordPress core may conflict with your updated plug ins or themes. A single updated plug in that conflicts has the ability to crash a site or to make it run incredibly slow. Does all that sound like I’m talking another language? Well, I sort of am, but that’s okay. It’s a language I’ve spoken for a few years now – and I have to admit that I’ve broken more than my fair share of sites over the years -mostly the one you are one right now- but that means I’m also very familiar with how to walk those changes back to fix what I’ve broken AND how to avoid breaking things in the first place. These snags and snafus are literally the biggest reason I offer maintenance deals. Some of my favorite people are ones I’ve been working with for years, making sure I am there when things go sideways, or better yet, doing the small things that help make sure they don’t go sideways in the first place.
Q: How much do maintenance services cost?
A: Like all of my services, I sell them at both package and hourly rates. My maintenance services are $75 per hour billed to the quarter hour or I offer packages. Some months may require more than that equivalent of a little over an hour, some less- the package just takes the mystery out of it for both of us. In the flat rate package, I will monitor your site and regularly update your plug ins, WordPress core, and themes and monitor your site security – and send you regular updates on your site’s status.
Q: What are your Terms of Service?
A: As Brilliant Blue Designs LLC, and under my own name, I operate first and foremost under the principle that we are a team with our customers – and we want to ensure they are happy with the services they receive from me. Find the full Terms of Service here.
Q: Does Jamie Thomson or Brilliant Blue Designs earn any advertising revenue?
A: Brilliant Blue Designs may accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. I make money when someone places a banner or sponsored post on this site; or when our visitors click on an affiliate link and make a purchase. The full details of these arrangements can be found in the disclosures here.
Q: How is my personal information protected?
A: Your privacy is important to me. My full privacy policy can be found here.